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Word on the street

Independent magazines are big, much to my delight. Still, to stand out in this vast crowd you need to have a solid concept that will draw people to your publications. And this is were Flaneur comes in. Each issue focuses on one single street. One entire magazine is filled with stories that can all be linked back to the hustle and bustle of just one road. Artists, writers, designers, photographers and others all contribute, and together they convey the atmosphere that dwells around a particular part of town nowadays, but also in the past and in the future.

Flaneur was founded by Ricarda Messner and launched in June 2013. Design credits go to YUKIKO, a German studio which has won an Award for Typographic Excellence at the Typedirectors Club NYC for the work they’ve done on the second issue. The editors don’t claim to show the definitive image of a street, but instead they want to show what that street could be and what it is capable of.
The first issue was all about Kantstraße in Berlin, the second about the Georg-Schwarz-Straße in Leipzig and the third one – to be released this summer – will show us a glimpse of life in Montreal.

Flaneur appears bi-annually and can be ordered on their website.