Baroness o. is looking for ‘the force’
a.k.a. the Baroness O. Team is looking out for an intern and freelancer(s) from now until the end of October who want’s to deliver heroic acts, or is at least eager and determined to do so.
We want you…
… if you’re flexibel as a rubber band. We don’t actually need you to ‘bend over backwards’ but to be flex in your mindset. You have no problem job-hopping and can switch from drawing lines to lifting bars in a split second. We won’t ask you to leep through a burning ring of fire while coming up with a new yoga pose. But whatever you design today, you might be prototyping tomorrow and building the day after.
We like our interns to be Jack(queline)s-of-al-trades, the kind that masters to spot whats nice and good and knows how to create and sell it. Communicative-, social media- and graphic skills running through the same veins.
Thats exactly what we’re looking for.
School is cool but we don’t really care about your degree and level of experience. It’s your attitude, talent and ambition that push our buttons. We need you for a minimum of 6 weeks, but we prefer to have you on our team during the entire period from August to October.
As for a freelancer, we can discuss your schedule depending on our needs and your availability.
- You’re prepared to plunge into our ocean of different challenging projects
- You need but a single word to know what to do
- “No problem” is your auto-reply
- You are willing and able to take on responsibility
- You know your way around the world of design, fashion, graphical work and art
- Cat- and doglovers get a step ahead in our ‘who to trust-curve’
Is this you? Then…
… we’ll keep your mind and body in top condition with a daily lunch on us at lunchbar Cantine.
You get to sit with us and the Firma team and get unlimited lunge fun at the Squad sports club.
And of course we want you to learn a lot and to become the best there is - and who everybody wants!
We are…
… Anne and Kim and together we work as team Baroness O. on projects at the intersection of design and communication. We work on jobs such as writing articles on the latest design news and -trends in Feeling, work around branding, storytelling and PR for the launch of young designer brands or curate, design and host de official shop during Biënnale interieur.
No day is the same since no story can ever be told exactly the same and this is what we do: we tell what there is to tell in the best possible way.
Anne is design, chocolate and cat lover and burns what’s left of calories in a hot tub after a Squad workout.
Kim is communications, crisps ànd salad lover, is all about petting cats ànd dogs and enjoys a fresh shower after bootcamp workout.
Different, but complementary.
Apply now...
Send an email with your CV, motivation and portfolio (if you have one) to hello (at) before August 31.