New methods that last a lifetime — Baroness O.


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New methods that last a lifetime

Smaller Objects is a new design brand, founded in 2015 by the Swedish architectural partnership Claesson Koivisto Rune. Their range was always expanding, and this new enterprise was a logical next step. They started as an architecture firm but have since become a multi-disciplinary office with emphasis on both architecture and design. 
The basic idea for Smaller Objects is simple: creating well-designed opbjects that last and that can be passed on to the next generation. One of the criteria the studio keeps in mind is that all objects in the collection should be things they would want to have in their own home. The product range consists of pratical, useful objects for the home in simple materials like wool, ceramics, wood and steel.
Their second collection was launched just recently, and includes designs by several international designers like Luca Nichetto, Ingegerd Raman, Nendo, ... 
They stick to a slow approach - smaller suppliers, smaller editions, no mass production - and even go further, applying a new designer compensation model, inspired by the sharing economy. A designer is no longer just active in designing, but also actively participates in the development and business porcesses. That's why the designers behind Smaller Objects have to finance his own production. In exchange, he or she will receive a larger percentage at the end: instead of the traditional 2-5%, the participating designers will get 75% of the list price. An interetsing train of thought, which hopefully grows out to become something larger.